Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What you think you become-Budha

There are a number of different things I have on my mind to write about, however they will all have to wait for another time.
I find that I feel better when I write about what is on my mind in the moment, not necessarily something that has come up and then passed.
I woke up achy today.
Actually I went to sleep achy last night.
I did not think to take any Advil or anything until about 4 am. 
Kind of not smart on my part.
The weather outside is gloomy at best. Rainy damp, dank and chilly.
The sky is grey and that seems to match the energy level I am experiencing. In fact every one I have come in contact with seems to be effected the same way.
I could choose to ignore all of this.
I could pretend that I am not achy,or chilly, or somber, or even a bit lethargic.
Or I can acknowledge how I am feeling and work with it. The Advil started to kick in around 9 am. I just popped a few more. 
I put on a sweater over the shirt I am wearing. Now I'm a bit less chilly.
And as for my sprits? Well,I'm not morose. I just happen to feel a little bit like the weather. Kind of grey.
And like the weather, I know it will pass.
The forecast for tomorrow is sunny and 60 degrees.
Sounds pretty awesome to me.
Right now, the rain is tapping gently on the skylights above my head.
The air is still chilly and damp.
A hot cup of coffee will certainly help.
I have had 3 separate emails from mentors or colleagues that I follow today all referencing we become what we think.
This can not be a coincidence and if it is it is a remarkable one.
It has brought up a peacefulness in me.
Amidst the grey blanket that surrounds me I am filled with optimism and gratitude.
After all silver is just another shade of grey and that grey blanket must obviously have a silver lining!

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