Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday is me day.......

Saturday's have become catch up days for me. Sometimes I find myself catching up on housework, sometimes I find myself catching up on a project,sometimes I find myself catching up on paperwork and emails and sometimes I find myself just catching up on catching up on some rest.
It is the one day of the week that is void of routine,other than the very start of the day when I run through a small list of "to-do's" including emails, preparing a lunch for Susan and driving her to work (and picking up her weekly bagel treat!).
After that ,it's usually a quick run to the bank and then the rest of the day is mine. That is until closing time at the shop when more often than not I jump in and help out with the cleaning.
In the 9 or so hours in between I have a solid block of time to "clean up" whatever needs cleaning.
Normally I try and focus on 1 specific area. Sometimes it's house cleaning ,and yes,as I look around , this place could surely use some help!
With my ankle still nowhere near healed,that is not an option for me.
Soon Spring will be here and a number of these Saturday's will be used to clean up the yard. Again between my foot and the snow outside, that will not be on today's agenda either.
3 weeks from now,Passover will be here and I am sure that on the Saturday preceding the seders I will be saving up on my physical activity knowing that Sunday will be a day when I will have a ton of things to accomplish.
Today, I see an opportunity to catch up on a lot of loose ends right here from my desk. There are business emails to go out. There are orders to be processed,there are people I want to reach out to and there are 2 desk calendars (I always have the current month on my desk top and the next month on the side return attached to my desk) that can be planned out.
One of the things that has helped to clear this "me" time has been the stabilizing of my finances. For years,okay decades,the stresses of financial pressures have completely robbed me of the ability to appreciate or even consider carving out a space in time like this. For the first time in a very and I mean very long time,I seem to have a plan ,not a reactive but instead a proactive plan,which has alleviated much of the stress I have lived with for so long.
In the past, I would never have had the nerve to even speak about this so openly.
Heaven forbid I would be opening the door to yet another setback merely by acknowledging that I had some breathing room for a moment.
I no longer believe in jinxes like that.
Understanding that the Law of attraction works in all directions, if that is what I believed would happen, then of course it was inevitable it did.
I get it now.
Now I have a plan. The plan says follow the steps. The plan says keep building upon success.My mentor Darren Hardy reminded me of an idiom I have heard often:
"You can never own success,only rent it.....and the rent is due every day!"
I mentioned earlier that my finances are stable. That is a qualitative, not a quantitative statement.
By improving the quality of the condition, I can then set about working on the quantity aspect.
So what has changed? 
Another easy!
I stopped scrambling. 
I stopped struggling.
I stopped forcing.
I stopped hanging on.

I simply let go.
Once I let go, it freed me up to start picking up pieces, building blocks if you will.
One at a time.
Not everything at once,just enough to allow me to pick up the next piece and the next piece and then another piece.
Make no mistakes, I do not have all of the pieces . I am not sure that one ever does.
I do know that by paying attention and nurturing the garden I have planted, new seedlings will blossom. It's nature's way. It is a Universal truism.
It is as evident as the laws of nature.....and the laws of attraction.
Shabbat Shalom!

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