Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Turn, Turn, Turn!

I have not experienced a night like last night in a very long time.I mean like decades. I put my head on my pillow at around midnight and I did not open my eyes again until 6:30 this morning. I can not remember when the last time I slept through the night.
If not for the fact that it was Wednesday, my morning to go to shul, I might have enjoyed the experience of laying in bed and taking in the evening's rest I had just experienced. Instead, I popped out of bed,jumped in the shower and got my day started fairly abruptly.
As I showered and got myself together, I took stock of where we are on the calendar. Summer officially ends tomorrow . At 10:21 tomorrow,Autumn begins.
We are 11 days away from Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.And for those of us in the Halloween business,we have less than 7 weeks of selling left.
Suddenly everything seems transitional.
The season,the calendar,as well as my attitude are changing.
I've been here before. We've had this discussion before. It bares repeating. Summer will surely follow Spring. It will then give way to Autumn and eventually we will be weathering yet another Winter with the knowledge that just as predictably there will be a new Spring again.
It is inevitable.
Was it not just yesterday that we were in the grips of the oppressive heat and humidity of the dog days of Summer?
It feels like it. And yet here we are, once again, in that place of transition.
It's harvest season. It's time to collect the bounty of all that we have worked so hard at. It's time appreciate,and soon,time to give thanks, for some starting next week and for others later on in the season as well.
After a brief time of allowing myself some space to enjoy all that this time of year has to offer, I must remember that this season will also come to a close and I must prepare for the unstoppable reality that we call Winter.
For now however, I will make sure to enjoy and to give thanks for the abundance that is my life .
The temperatures will begin to cool, and the colors will soon begin to change. The leaves will eventually start to fall. And soon enough, a new season will once again be upon us.
One season truly does follow another!

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