Thursday, September 22, 2016

Be Prepared!

I'm finishing up my last cup of coffee of the Summer. By the time you read this, it will officially be Fall.I'm ready for the change.Maybe not prepared,but certainly ready!
here is a big difference.I have been ready for a change for quite some time. Being ready is a passive state of being.
Preparing for change is a proactive position. It's setting an agenda and following through on it. It means having some sort of a plan.Preparing for change is an action.
It means you have to go buy the lottery ticket.
When there is a knock at the door, you answer it. Sitting idly by and wondering who is on the other side of the door leaves a lot unanswered .
Opportunity knocks many times, but you have to answer when it does.
Speaking of opportunities, today seems to be loaded with them.
I have a interview at 6 p.m.
I am sending out a resume and cover letter today to another opportunity.
I have a teleconference at 10 and another at 8 pm. There is a half day retreat on Saturday that I may just register for today as well.
I also have a few conversations that I will make happen today. Conversations that on the surface may feel a bit daunting. I think not engaging in them only creates uncertainty. Once the conversation takes place, there are no longer any hob-goblins lurking in the shadows. A light has been shed on the issue and I can then deal with it.
I am super excited today.
In the last 48 hours I have reconnected with some people from my life that have been missing for a very long time.
In a text, one such person commented that he regrets the time lost. 
You know regrets....only gratitude for the gift of reconnecting!
It will be months before we can see each other in person. I look forward to that time and will use the interim to build the bridge that will hopefully span the chasm of our time apart.
The Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepare
(It says nothing about be ready)
I'm ready for some change......and I am working at preparing for the changes that will come.

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