Sunday, September 18, 2016

Let it be!

For about a year and a half, I have been working with the concept of Mindfulness. The meditation I attend at Ramapo College is sponsored by The Krame Center for Contemplative Studies and Mindfulness.
Besides the weekly meditation, I have also attended a number of lectures as well.
When the resources allow me to, I intend to enroll in some of their more in depth programs. I find that this Mindfulness thing resonates with me,even though admittedly I do not know much about it.
Until I have the opportunity to further my education at a formal institution of higher learning,there are plenty of resources available to me for free, including books on the subject.
One such offering is a book called Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat Zim. Mr. Zim is regarded as the father of the study and practice of mindfulness.With little on my plate yesterday, I listened to Chapter one of this audio book. I was re-introduced to the 7 foundation principles of mindfulness.
That's when I had my aha moment of the day. Principle #4 is to be non-striving.
Okay what does that mean?
Mr. Zimm explains.......
We are doers. We always want to be doing something. We believe if we do this or that then we will eventually have that which we are chasing. Or get to where we think we want to be. Or achieve some "thing" that will make us feel accomplished.
Mindfulness is living in the here and now of this moment. Not the one that just passed or the one that is going to happen. The immediate right now!
Just let it be!
What a concept.
Mr.Zim reminds us we are Human BEings,not human doers.
Not doing is a very very difficult task for me.
The concept of let it be is almost a foreign one.
For me this is a major work in progress. The good thing that Mr.Zim points out is thatthe more we practice this way of BEING, the more we understand that we are not good at it.Being is not something we master, it is something we accept and accept some more and then accept some more.
This one little passage was a real light bulb moment for me.Today,I am on to chapter 2.I realize that by the time I finish these lessons I will be start again from chapter 1!
Shvua Tov!

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