Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Old Dog,same old tricks.....

As I was heading out the door just before 7 a.m on my way to a 9:30 meeting in Atlantic City,I received a text delaying our meeting time until 11.
I quickly rearranged the plans I had made to get things started here at home. It also has afforded me a few minutes to get out a quick email to you.
Had I simply left the arrangements that I had made with others stand, I would actually have a very calm relaxing hour and a half to myself. Instead, by taking every one else off of "red alert",I have compressed that free time I may have had into just about 25 minutes. 
On any given day, the process of writing to you takes upwards of an hour.
I listen to my Minute with Maxwell. I spend a few minutes with my mentor Darren Hardy.I find a quote of the day to share with you and then and only then do I start banging away at the keys on my keyboard.
Well I did all of the preparatory things and now I have less than 15 minutes to spend with you before I have to kick things into high gear.
Why did I do this to myself?
No one seemed to mind that I had asked for some help today in getting the day started.
Every one was willing to jump in and help out.
So why did I feel the need to let every one off the hook,get back to their normal routines and in doing so,add a level of stress to my morning that was completely unnecessary?
I can come up with 2 explanations:
#1....I like routine....so now faced with the opportunity to jump back into my daily routine I grabbed it without thinking of the benefits I might derive from just letting go.
#2 ......I like taking care of others.While all involved were more than happy to assist in the normal every day tasks that I would usually take care of , I jumped at the opportunity to once again play the role of care taker.
None of this is a good thing.
I am actually appalled at the lack of personal growth I have exhibited today.It feels like just so much same old same old David.
This will bother me for a while. I know it will be sitting next to me on my 2 1/2 hour drive down to Atlantic City.
I thought I had changed.
Maybe I have, just not as much as I believed.
Some habits and behaviors are just hard to break.
What's that old coaching adage?
"What we do some of the time is what we do all of the time".
I am a wee bit disappointed in myself.
Interesting my quote of the day:
"Some time you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory".
Maybe just maybe I will learn something from this experience.

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