Sunday, September 25, 2016

Illuminating Offer!
I really wish I had sat down to write as soon as I got back from the gym this morning. I was in a good mood after a decent workout.Then for no apparent reason, my attitude shifted and I found myself struggling to stay upbeat and becoming angry. I am not angry at any thing or any one in particular. I can not explain it, however as the day has gone on my mood has gone down hill. 
Last night was lovely. The room was full and every one i attendance seemed to have enjoyed the evening. I for one was very happy.It was a good night for our synagogue and that is what really mattered to me.
We had many many well wishers. Some beautiful things were said to us and about us. When it was my turn to speak,my words were around this quote from Edith Wharton:
"There are two ways to spread light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it".
After a week where my mentor Darren Hardy challenged me to find my "brand",this quote resonates with me.
My name is German mirror.
It is not a far stretch for me to understand how I might go about illuminating the world.My name defines it.
I am sure in the weeks to come, I will use my internal candle to shed some light on how I can reflect my light and be the person I was meant to be.Heading into this High holiday season,this is what seems to be at the core of my search for a path to tomorrow.
How do I spread that light?
One hell of a question!
I am pretty sure last night was another step in the right direction.
Each table had a centerpiece last night, a potted plant sitting on a mirror with a tea candle for each person in attendance. 
I know kind of corny right?
Not really. Subtle might be a better way to phrase it.Around each candle was a wristband with the inscription"be the candle or be the mirror that reflects it.".
I thought it was a nice touch on my part.
The reason I share this with you is if you would like I can send you one. Just send more your address and I will mail one out to you. 
Who knows?
It may be the start of a movement.
As I sit here typing away both of my arms are adorned with wristbands. The one on my left arm which I have been wearing for quite a while says GRATITUDE in English and in Hebrew. Now my right wrist reads "Be the candle....."
They both serve as daily reminders to be .
No matter how foul my mood,no matter how bleak things seem,and no matter what ever else is going on,simply glancing down at either arm brings me back to what is really important to me.
I would love to share this with you.
Shavua Tov!

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