Saturday, August 22, 2020


 "Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals."

Jim Rohn

This week marked 51 years since the music festival held in Woodstock.

Did I ever share my Woodstock weekend with you?
I spent it in Paramus.
Unlike many from my generation, I wasn't there. In fact, if every person who says they were there actually did go the attendance would have been more like 10 million not 1 million. you know that when Disneyland opened in 1955,it took 7 weeks before attendance broke the 1 million mark.
There's a fun fact you may never use again!
I do have tales of my "near" Woodstock experience.
Our family was on vacation in Maine the week before Woodstock.
We were actually on the NY State Thruway on the Friday of the festival heading home.
We saw the traffic.
We had no idea what it was.
In fact, as I recall we never added 1 plus 1 even when we got home.
It wasn't until much later that any of us realized we drove right past history.
I was invited to go to this event.... kind of? (although my parents would never have allowed it).
A friend had stopped by and left a note for me taped to our side door.
"Going upsate to a music festival.See you when I get back".
My buddy and his friends (they were all 3 years older than me) took off in his white Rambler American.(The Rambler American was nowhere near as cool as the Rambler Rebel!)
They eventually made it home the Thursday after the weekend ended,without the white Rambler which was never to be seen again!
As for my weekend?
Well, I had stepped on a spike walking barefoot across a bridge in Maine which caused us to pack up and come home earlier than we were supposed to.
I spent the weekend with my foot in a bandage, raised up on a chair.
That was my Woodstock weekend experience.
Sounds like a great story line for a truly classic folk song!
Shabbat Shalom!

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