Monday, August 17, 2020

A Mental Health Weekend

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
William James

 When I started my day Friday.I knew that time was going to be a precious commodity.

The entire flock of Spiegel's would be coming to dinner that evening.

Max and Susan were both at work which meant I wouldn't have a car readily available.
I had been to the grocery store the night before and found none of the things I had hoped to use for our first full family Shabbat dinner in quite some time.
I spent the rest of Thursday evening planning a new menu,which obviously meant that at some point I would have to be mobile.
In order to accomodate, I decided that letting go of some "I have to's", would probably be a good idea.
I have to write was the first.
After that,it became easy to just continue letting go.
The dinner spread was a huge success.
There were plenty of choices, all vegetarian of course. In fact, with very few exceptions, most of the dishes were vegan.
And if you have ever had dinner here, you already know that there was more than enough of everything.
Becca walked in and asked"how can I help?"
Again, I chose to let go and enlisted her in plating.
Eventually we all sat down to a very pleasant meal.
Midway through, I felt at ease.
All around me conversations were happening. Everyone wa enjoying themselves and everything seemed good in my world.
It was a moment of biblical significance.
"And He saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."Genesis 1:31 .
Very good is a very good thing.
It was then that I made the choice to just let it be for the rest of the weekend.
There would be no great accomplishments.
I would not tax myself or my resources.
I would just let it be.
And that too was very good.
Life you see,is very good!

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