Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Glass.....half empty or half full?

 "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential, these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."


Am I a glass half empty or a glass half full kind of person? Damn good question.

My answer used to be,does it matter? It's my glass and I can choose to fill it whenever I want.
Truth be told, I have a tendency to be both. It all depends on the situation.
When it comes to just about everyone else in the world, I am Mr. Positivity. There are no such things as problems,only opportunities. There is always an answer.Light is always just around the corner.Possibilities abound.
This is not so much the case when I deal with myself.
Take my weight. seriously, please take it far away. (JK)
I am not at all happy with my current weight. Yes,I am on a cycle right now. Yes it is coming down. Yes,I know I have the tools to get to where I would like to be.
Still, I choose to take my half empty glass and negate my successes.
The truth is,I am over 120 pounds less than I was 8 years ago.
If any of our why Weight clients said that to me I would be ecstatic for them.
For myself however,I choose to see only what I gained from the pinnacle of my weightloss.
That's truly unfair to me.
So besides my weight, it seems I have something else I can go to work on.
Like being a whole lot kinder to myself .
Maybe I should paraphrase Jesus from his sermon on the mount.
"Do unto David as he would do unto others!"


  1. Thank YOU David! I think many of us PositivERS can ALL benefit from yiur paraphraSING🥰🎶 Self-Care First in Thought, & in Spirit, inDeed🌟

    1. Hi you have no idea how excited I was to hear from you. When I started writing 7 years ago I had no idea what a "Blog" was. I started with 1 email to 1 friend.The next day 2...etc. It has only been a short while that I started posting them to Facebook. You are the first "outsider" to comment. THIS WAS SO FREAKIN' AWESOME!I still do my writing as a daily email,which has a bit more content. If you should ever want to be part of that "exclusive" group (okay not all that special) just send me your email address. Thanks again for making my day my week my month!
