Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sunday..........Fun Day!

“To achieve more and better results, more resourcefulness is as important as more resources.”
~ Tony Alessandra
Sunday...Fun Day!
Well maybe not so much.
It's so humid that it's uncomfortable outside.
It's just after Noon here, and the temperature is in the mid 70's on its way to the low 80's.
The humidity is like 110%.
Everything is damp.
The air is muggy and moving about feels snail like.
My body has been achy for the last 2 days (I am sure the moisture in the air is doing wonders for my arthritis!).
Suffice it to say,it doesn't feel like fun.
Susan is on her way to her weekly visit with her parents,who are now living in a nursing home.
They were moved from assisted living earlier this week.
She has an added side trip of stopping at their former residence and meeting up with her sister in law to pack up the rooms that her parents previously occupied.
Like I said...Fun,fun and more fun!
I spent the better part of the day yesterday cleaning out my shed, a job which I never got to in the Spring time.
It looked great by days end.
Unfortunately my 6 x 8 shed is not nearly big enough for my 10 x 12 garbage!
I will have to devote what free time I have today to figuring out just where and how I am going t store the rest of what needs to be put away.
Yes , another shed would be a great idea, except that I already have 3 in my yard.
(Don't even ask about the other 2!).
By 3:30 I must be back at the center for my afternoon run which leaves me just about 3 hours to get my yard work done.
I will however save the really fun stuff, planting, mulching and cleaning up dog poop for tomorrow.
Like I said,calling Sunday Fun Day just doesn't seem appropriate this week!
Shavua Tov!

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