Friday, October 12, 2018

For anyone with pets!

"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms."
- George Eliot

My designer and long time friend Tina Basile has launched a new business. She is an extraordinary artist whose career has spanned many genres from greeting cards to face painting and everything in between.
Her latest en devour is pet portraits.It is nothing less than eerily weird that she reached out to me this week.
Yesterday was exactly one year since we had to put Loki down.
I am reliving that painful time once again as we are now dealing with Bentley and his final weeks with us. His cancer is progressing fairly rapidly and while nothing is imminent,the outcome is inevitable.
Personally, I am not a collector of things.
I don't keep photo albums.
I don't and never have carried pictures of my kids in my wallet.
Trophies and keepsakes are not my thing.
Tina's portraits are different.
Max made mention the other day that over his lifetime we have had 7 dogs (I think that's correct.).
It would have been nice to have had portraits done by Tina of each of them. I suppose if I dig through Susan's photo collection I might be able to find pictures of them all for Tina to work from.
I am sure that others in my family would appreciate them.
I decided to share this with you today.
Maybe you have a pet that you want to remember in this way.
Maybe you have a family member or a friend whose heart has the same emptiness that mine does.
Maybe a keepsake like this would help to ease that pain and grieving.
If so, you may just want to reach out to Tina.
Here is a link to her website:
I never use my writing to promote a cause or a business.
Somehow this feels different.
This feels more like a path to healing .
I hope it helps some one.
Shabbat Shalom

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