Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October Word of the Month

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”
~ Anthony Robbins

October Word of the Month
When I looked up the definition of the word FOCUS the one that had the most meaning for me was:
"pay particular attention to."

I know that this will sound a bit familiar to you. I have been dealing with this challenge for a while now.The only way I know how to get back on track is to get back on track. I seems like on a weekly if not daily basis, I find myself having similar conversations .
Conversations about getting organized, better allocation of my time and paying attention to what I am doing.
I prioritize.
I make lists.
I plan (he laughs!).
I commit to a plan of action.
And then life happens.
Admittedly, this can become frustrating at times.
I also find myself feeling a bit deflated (not defeated) when I turn around and see that I have not progressed very far (or at all).
However,the one thing I have learned in almost 64 years is that there is always a new opportunity to try again.
Another thing I have learned is that when I try again, my starting point has changed.
There is always some obstacle or challenge that I have dealt with and no longer have to concern myself with.
Like today...the car issue has been dealt with. The Jewish holidays are behind us.
Physically I am over the back and the arm issues.Emotionally, some of the stuff that has polluted my space is abetting.
So once again I have the opportunity to get back on track with my life.
There are other words that popped into my head that could have become the word of the month. Words like rhythm and prioritize. I am sure they are important concepts to me as well. Today,I feel I need to focus on FOCUS.
After I do I can deal with prioritizing and eventually when all goes well I will get into a rhythm.
Life is all about rhythm.
And once we get in rhythm,then we can add the melodies and harmonies!

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