Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Life's a Party!

“Greatness is the courage to overcome obstacles.”
~ Dr. David Hawkins
It is said that life is a party.
If in fact that is so, I believe that it is one that I surely don't want to miss.
And if I plan to show up to the party, I think it would behoove me to do so properly attired.
Sweats and a hoodie are hardly what one would consider as putting your best foot forward.
With that in mind, I spent some time last night going through my closet in preparation for the cooler weather that is coming this way.
After putting away some summertime gear, I found that I have 5 nice sweaters that are perfect for this time of the year.
I do have a collection of hoodies ,however I think I am looking to up my game a bit.
I pulled out a half dozen pairs of slacks, none of which I fit into at this point.
Yes, I have not discussed my weight lately and yes again,it has become an issue.
(We'll get back to these slacks in a minute).
I also found a pair of jeans that I can add to my wardrobe.
They are the same size as the pair of jeans that I have been wearing since mid August.
I decided to try them on and guess what. way!
In the past, this would have been devastating to me.
This is no longer the case.
Because I weigh myself every morning,I know exactly how much I have gained.
I had already made the decision that after celebrating my birthday on Sunday at dinner with my family that I would go on a 21 day version of our 40 day cycle.
If I started on my birthday,it would end the Monday before Thanksgiving.
So,my current goal is to be able to wear those jeans on Thanksgiving day.
Sounds like a doable plan to me.
As for the other slacks,they are neatly folded and stored in a plastic bin next to my bed.
One mountain to climb at a time!
Who knows....Christmas is not all that far away!

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