Monday, October 22, 2018

Let's think about this for a second...........

“I am what I am because early in life I decided that I would please at least myself in all things.”
~ Edmond Rostand
My daughter Becca has taken to riding a bicycle to work.
The 3.5 miles from her place to the shop can be traveled almost exclusively on the County Park's bike trail.
There are many positives to her new form of transportation.
The exercise is good for her physically.
Fresh air in the morning and getting your heart going to start the day is always a plus.
Not to mention that a bicycle is more eco-friendly than her Ford Escape.
There is a down side however.
In the last 2 weeks she has fallen off of her bike twice, each time banging up the same knee.
While neither fall has caused any major damage, one has to wonder what could have happened.
Becca owns and runs a business that requires a good deal of physical activity.
She is on her feet all day.
She has to stand as she bathes and dries dogs.
She also walks dogs and has the responsibility of handling each one when they come into the shop and when they leave the shop.
Imagine if she had sprained,twisted or broken an ankle or leg or who knows what?
None of us are kids anymore.
There are consequences to our actions and choices.
When taking on new activities like bike riding , we have to be careful.
We have to proceed with caution learning the do's and don'ts.
I am not advocating going through life afraid to try anything new.
We just have to be careful.
We have jobs and responsibilities.
We have people who depend on us , whether we are the boss, owner or employee.
It's different if the activities you engage in have been part of your routine for a long period of time.
But when we are taking on new adventures,proceeding with caution is probably a good idea.
I am proud of my daughter's choice to add this to her routine.
I support her 100% in trying new things , especially when they have a huge upside to them.
2 falls i 2 weeks.
Like I said no major injury. No harm, no foul.
However ,she may want to rethink her plans to go skiing for the first time in her life for a while!

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