Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sometimes it's D.I. Y.!

Circumstances don’t make the man; they only reveal him to himself.”
~ Epictetus 
Sometimes it's D.I Y.
If you want (or need ) something done, do it yourself!
I have been asking to have the maintenance department attend to a few minor fixes on my bus for about 4 or 5 months.
Each time I ask, I am met with the same or similar response.
"Make a list and we'll see if we can get to it."
"We're kind of busy now but remind us in a few days".
"I'm not sure when we can get to it."
The last time I asked it was"if we can't get to it,just bring it to the mechanic".
I finally had enough of this.
On Thursday I decided that instead of parking after the morning run on Sunday, I would drive the bus back to my house and tackle these repairs to the best of my limited abilities.
I'm not talking about major body work here.
There was a piece of molding hanging off of the drivers side just below the roof line. It would flap in the wind as I drove and what was once about a 3" hanging piece had now grown too over a foot.
Then there was the trim brush that attaches to the bottom of the passenger door to the steps of the bus. It came off well over 2 months ago.
Next was the rubber flange that flaps from one side of the passenger door over the other side. The patrons on my bus use this as a handle as they climb in and naturally they have torn it away from the body of the bus.
The last thing was the rust on the bottom of the passenger doors. Years of dripping and subsequent neglect have eaten away at the paint and it is only a matter of time until the door frame rusts away.
So yesterday (Saturday) I made my way to Lowes (it's closer than Home Depot) and picked up what I believed I would need to fix all of this.
I needed a new drill any way so I bought one for myself.
Then the rest :
Gorilla Glue,
an Assortment of screws,a can of black Rustoleum spray paint and
a wire brush attachment for the drill.
Now everything has been fixed....good as not so new!
Not that any one other than myself cares about any of this. That's not the point.
I knew they needed to be attended to. I knew that if not taken care of I would eventually have had more major repairs .
Repairs that would have disabled the bus for who knows how long at a cost of who knows how much.
Like I said sometimes you just have to take matters into your on hands and D.I Y!
Do It Yourself!
And that's exactly what I did!
Shavua Tov!

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