"The key to happiness is inner peace.
The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness."
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
In the Spring of 2010, I attended a one evening program called STRETCH. It was a free event geared at people who were transitioning in life and who might have an interest in what was then a relatively new and blossoming field called life coaching.
In the Fall of 2011 I enrolled in IPEC,The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.,a program designed for those who wanted to become a life coach.
From the moment I registered I was committed to the notion that I had no desire to be a life coach.
Why would anyone pay some one to coach their own lives?
It sounded ridiculous.
If you needed professional help , there are a plethora of psychiatrists,psychologists,social workers,clergy,head hunters and business developers out there , all with degrees from accredited institutions of higher learning.
When you walk into their offices the first thing you see on the walls is the affirmations given to them by these revered organizations verifying on sheepskin that in fact these people are certified experts in their chosen fields.
To me , the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and for that matter the entire field of coaching, was akin to the "learn how to become an artist "ads that I used to see at the back of my comic books when I was a kid.
So why was I spending my 2 most valuable resources (time and money) on this?
My reason was a simple one.
While I loved my Dad, I knew that I did not want to be the same angry curmudgeon that he often was.
Barking at people,scowling at people and grousing about this that and the other thing was not how I wanted to live.
I was at the time quickly becoming that person.
I felt as if life had kicked me around quite a bit and quite frankly, maybe it was just in my D.N.A. to continue down this path.
I wanted to get over that stuff and be a better me.
Lo and behold, I found out a number of things at IPEC.
#1 is that coaching is a very real thing.
#2 is that I was really , I mean really good at it.
I still had no desire to become a professional life coach, but I loved doing it.
BTW...........Did I mention how good I was at it?
Over the next 7 years, there were times when I thought it might really be helpful to engage a coach to help me along my Journey.
Financially that always seemed imprudent, and my "I can do this myself" mentality certainly did not help.
(I'm such a chauvinist!)
While on our mini vacation in August, all of this changed.
I had a plan to share my skills and life experiences with others. I also knew that with out a coach,I could never get this done.
In a very uncharacteristic move, I reached out to a coaching colleague who I hold in the highest regard and explained my situation.
I had a plan and I needed help.
That's when a funny thing happened.
I asked and she responded with an "okay lets go".
That simple?
Well not 100%.
Seems that she saw some value in my skill sets and experience.
She saw not just my potential,but also an opportunity to add to her vast pool and ever growing community of really talented individuals.
With her help, I have moved this new endeavor down the road and with any luck , no with continued perseverance, I will eventually be offering my services in a professional setting.
7 years of denying who I am and just how good (read powerful, ,empathetic,talented,insightful and significant) I really am and just how much of an impact I can have on others.
I am a Life Coach.
(and a really good one!)
Never mind the sheepskins on the wall, I have the lines on my face and the scars on my being that attest to my expertise!
BTW...while any one can learn to draw by signing up with the ads in the comic books, only those with real talent become artists.
Shabbat Shalom!