Saturday, November 25, 2017

An actual day off!
Really...I have a sum total of zero commitments today and I plan to take full advantage of that.
As I left the house this morning to drop Susan at the shop, I glanced back to peruse the living space behind me. 
After serving over 50 meals in the last 2 days and entertaining from morning to late at night,our home is actually in really great shape. Susan did a fantastic job of keeping up with the clean up as I moved from dish preparation to dish preparation and from meal to meal.
We also took full advantage when any of our guests said "how can I help?", something that quite honestly is a new experience for us.
Max is dealing with some really painful back and neck issues so he was not going to be available to help out.
I gladly accepted ,and even asked for, some help , believe it or not, and in very short order after dinner last night, our home was back to normal ,that is as normal as the Spiegel household can possibly be.
After dropping my car at the garage for some long over due maintenance, I have completely cleared my calendar for the day.
Other than dropping Susan off and delivering bagels to Sara, I have nothing left on my to do list for the day.
Trust me , I can probably find plenty to add to that list.
Instead, my plan is to regroup a bit.
I will crack open the CDL Drivers Manual Through out the day.
I will also prepare dinner, using up some more of the leftovers from Thursday.
I may take a run to Staples , although leaving that for a week work day may make more sense than dealing with Saturday shoppers traffic.
I am cleaning out my desk draws and rearranging my work space surfaces today.
A little feng shui goes a long way.
All in all, I am taking a me day.
Not exactly a spa day or a down time day.
Just a get my self ready day.
I commented to Susan as I sat at my computer before we left this morning that I am ready.
She asked "ready for what?"
I replied "whatever is next!"
I am ready.
Did you catch that Universe?
I am ready!

Shabbat Shalom!

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