Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hearkening back to last month's Word of the Month, SERENITY is at the fore front of my afternoon today. 
My plan for late this afternoon is to head up to Ramapo College and attend the weekly meditation that they offer. It has been quite a while (well over a year) since I last attended one.
It's time!
Somehow, after my recent bout with mishaps and miscues, I find myself in a place where I want to take care of and pay attention to myself. 
This is a good thing.
I wasn't happy with y weight so I went back on program last week.
When the opportunity arouse to attend the meditation sit, I grabbed at it.
There were also some relationships in my life that I wanted to address. 
Serenity was not a possibility as long as these points of friction were part of my world. 
To address them, I turned to the November Word of the Month,
I have dealt with 1 of the 2 targeted relationships already.
As for the 2nd, I reached out, made contact and I am sure that i a few days, this too shall be dealt with.
Carving out the time to attend the weekly meditation is not easy. 
It's a 30 minute drive each way.
It's at the height of rush our.
It literally carves out a 2 plus hour time block.
Still, I know how important and helpful this can be to me.
Like my diet, working out (which is probably somewhere on my radar screen) or any other positive change in my life, getting my butt to meditation takes commitment.
Remember the definition of commitment?
"Doing today what you said you were going to do yesterday even after the mood you said it in has left you!"
Tonight is another first step in the right direction. 
I can't get to the second step without taking the first one. 
Cliches abound!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
"How do you eat an elephant? 1 bite at a time!"
"The only way to the top of the stairs is to take one more step up."
I think you catch my drift here!
It's hard.
It always feels like I'm starting over.
I guess there is nothing wrong with that.
Okay last cliche.....
"It doesn't matter how often you get knocked down. It only matters how many times you get back up!"

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