I knew there was a disconnect between my reported weight loss and the way I feeling this current cycle was going. As it starts to wind down, I back tracked on my days and finally figured it out. Yes , I am down the reported 11 pounds however, I had miscalculated my day count. It was actually 11 pounds in 18 not 11 days as previously reported.
This makes a whole lot more sense.
Like I said originally, this cycle has been a grind!
Not in the sense of hard to do.
Actually,the program itself has been a snap this time.
I have not had one single foraging day.
No cravings.
No sense of denying my self.
But the damn scale is just not budging.
In fact, over the last 3 days my weight has actually crept up a bit.
I understand why.
I know it will eventually level off again, however, as I said,it's been a grind!
My plan is to end this cycle a week from now.
3 days of transition will land me on the reset phase on Thanksgiving day.
As I look at my calendar,and given how slowly the weight is coming off this cycle, I imagine that it will be a while before I get down to where I know I will feel comfortable again.
Such is my life.
Obesity is a disease.
Disease is defined as:
a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body
resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors.Diseases don't go away, they are managed.
Diligence is the key to managing any situation.
One day at at ime.
One step at a time.
One pound at a time.
Shavua Tov.
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