Saturday, November 4, 2017

I learned a lot during the time I was involved in network marketing,
One very important lesson was that while it is important to get back up after getting knocked down, there is another component to that.
Getting back up is imperative.
There is also merit in how long it takes to gather yourself and get going again.
In the past,I can remember getting upset at something and having that feeling linger for days and days on end.
Like running in quicksand, holding on to those negative feelings kept me from moving forward.
In fact, they kept me from moving at all. 
It was a form of paralysis.
I was shocked the other day at just how quickly I recovered from what in the past would have been emotionally devastating news.
Sure I was upset. 
I was really upset!
Amazingly , I allowed myself to be upset which, feel the emotion, and then just as quickly let it go.
No episodes with food.
No overt displays of behavior.
Certainly no sense of woe is me the sky is falling.
I felt the disappointment,took some time to let it pass and then began the process of moving on.
Just that simple.
Just that liberating.
I am still disappointed.
I still have to find a new strategy.
I am not walking around as if the World has come to an end.
This is an extraordinarily good thing!
Some people might call it maturity.
I just consider it a blessing!
Shavua Tov!

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