It's late on Sunday evening, around 7 pm.
I have been running around since 6:45 this morning when I went to the gym.
After that ,my bus run, then to the shop to clean( we got out so late last night we just left it a mess!).
After a quick bite for lunch, I cleaned out the fridge, put up dinner and then back to the center for my afternoon run.
We set the clocks back last night which means that by the time I am finishing up with my last passengers it's dark out.
This change will take some getting used to.
I think it's time to shut down for the night.
After an 11 hour day yesterday and a long day today, following a full work week, I am tired.
I just took a peek at my calendar for the next few weeks.
Between no and Thanksgiving I have one day off.
I already signed up for a half day silent retreat on that one off day.
So in essence, There is very little down time until Thanksgiving Day, when I have already committed to picking up and driving hoe the in-laws, book ending all of the holiday stuff.
Finding down time over the near future should be something I add to my to do list.
If I don't schedule some R&R ,it will not happen.
Believe it or not....I ain't as young as I used to be!
All good.
Even better now that I am armed with the knowledge that I have to find some time for doing nada!
Shavu Tov
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