Sunday, November 26, 2017

Back to the real World!
It's the Sunday morning after Thanksgiving. 
Black Friday and all of its hype and nonsense is a thing of the past.
Now comes the sprint to the end of the year.
Basically there are no days off until Christmas morning on my calendar.
Technically , there are 4 Saturdays that I have "off" however, I don't believe that they will actually be non-working days.
It wasn't all that long ago that I wrote about finishing strong.
To be exact it was 19 days ago. 
At that point there were 55 days left in 2017.
55 opportunities to add to my success story. 
55 days to put in the win column for myself.
We're 36 days away from 2018.
That's double Chai!
What is Chai?
"Chai, which means "Life" is one of the most recognizable symbols of Judaism. Comprised of the letters Chet and Yud, together they form the word "Chai" - a word that reflects the importance of life in Judaism. According to the Gematria, a Jewish mystical tradition that assigns a numerological value to Hebrew letters, the Chet has a value of 8 and the Yud has a value of 10, adding up to the number 18 (Hebrew is read from right to left). Because of this, the number 18 represents good luck and gifts are often given in multiples of Chai, or 18. It symbolizes giving the recipient the gift of "life" or luck."As I said,36 days....double Chai!
The Universe in its uncanny wisdom has once again taken the opportunity to point out to me how significant each and every day is.
It wasn't until I started typing away that I became aware of the day count left in 2017.
Even then it took a minute for me to recognize that there was a special reason for this to come to light today.
Just now, another aha moment.
I said come to light.
Tonight I will light a candle for my maternal Grandmother.
That also means that 3 days later I will light a candle in my mother's memory.
Once again, I gotta believe there is a meaning to all of this. There is some message from The Universe for me to pay attention.
36 days left.
Double Chai.


To Life!


Shavua Tov!


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