Tuesday, November 28, 2017

In my message from The Universe yesterday I was asked"Be honest David....hasn't it been more rewarding being Santa than waiting for Santa ?'
My first thought was "How did The Universe know how much I enjoyed the years that I worked as a Santa?"
Then I realized that The Universe knows everything so it shouldn't be surprising at all.
It did make me think though.
I love being Santa,and not just during the holiday season.
I love when wishes come true.
I love the smiles that I see on people's faces.
I love the magic!
Life on a daily basis is mundane.
Mundane does not mean boring or uneventful.
The dictionary defines mundane as:
1.common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.
2.of or relating to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven;worldly; earthly:
mundane affairs.
3.of or relating to the world, universe, or earth.
We live each day this way.
Days all kind of run together. 
Nothing seems all that special or memorable about them.
That truly is life.
Then there are those exceptional days, those profane and profound days that stand out. We remember every detail about them. We remember the where's and the when's and the what's of the day. Where we were,who we were with what we were doing, even what we were wearing.
Some of these memories are fond and some are down right frightening.
We all remember where we were on 9/11 or if you are old enough where we were when Kennedy was shot.
We remember awful days like being fired or learning of a death of a loved one. 
We remember every little detail of days like that.
And then there are those special day that exhilarate and electrify us.
We remember surprise parties and bar and bat mitzvahs.
We remember our wedding days and maybe even our first dates or that first kiss.
We remember the births of our children.
These are all special moments.
I for one cherish every opportunity I have to create or facilitate one of these special moments.
I love recalling these special moments. 
Not as pinnacles or high points in my life but as stepping stones to the next opportunity to create another special moment.
They are few and far between.
They are unpredictable. 
Things don't always happen according to script. 
Then there are those special times when the stars and The Universe all seem to come into alignment . Those moments that seem to stand frozen in time in our memories to be cherished for eternity.
These are all Santa moments.
And as The Universe reminded me, I do love being Santa!

Ho Ho Ho!

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