Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Day after Thanksgiving!
I can't believe that it has been 5 days since I the last time I took the time to write to you.
It has been one hell of a 5 day period.
All good....just unbelievably busy.
The whole bus driving license thing has taken up a lot more time than any one imagined.
Coupled with the short work week and preparing for Thanksgiving, I have not had any down time or me time.
Before I pull out the driver's manual to study, I decided to take the opportunity to reach out and catch up with you.
It kind of makes sense to let you know how I am doing since after all today is another How Am I Doin' Friday.
Well as I said, it has been one hell of a 5 day period of non-stop action.
Starting with 4  separate trips to motor vehicle which accomplished very little, a morning on line at Social Security (don't ask) along with my daily bus runs, I had the added challenges of preparing for a full day of Thanksgiving festivities which included both  180 mile round trips picking up and returning my in laws to their residence.
No complaining, just acknowledging how wildly busy things have been.
Once again, our Thanksgiving meal was a feast of extraordinary proportions.
Proudly I share with you that at one point mid meal, my brother commented that a person who chooses not to eat meat would have been overwhelmed by the number of fantastic vegetarian options on the table.
It was very impressive (and really delicious!)
We don't do left overs at the Spiegel house.
We re-purpose and re-introduce things. 
So tonight for Shabbat dinner, I will use all of the things that I put away last night.
My guess is that by some time around mid week next week I may have to shop for some things. Until then, my cache of dishes to be re-purposed should serve me well.
The furniture is still in i's rearranged state that we use for large meals. 
Tonight our Shabbat dinner will be 16 or 17 people, on top of the 22 people who ate here yesterday.
By tomorrow morning, things will be back to normal.
The furniture will be as it normally is and our every day routines will be back in order.
It has been another wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations. Different than in the past, however in the end memorable once again.
I do have one more thing I want to share with you before I hit the books and get back to preparing for Shabbat dinner tonight.
The other day I had a guest passenger on my bus. she works as the director of outreach for the Seniors program and accompanied me on my morning run.
We connected immediately and my hope is that we will stay connected in the future. We seem to speak the same language!
She shared with me that she considers herself an INDY woman.
Okay I couldn't resist and took the well set bait.
"What's an INDY woman" I asked.
"Siple she replied, it's an acronym which means 
"I'm Not Done Yet!"
Like I said.....we speak the same language and I am sure that I will be coming back to this really soon.
 That you can count on!
Shabbat Shalom!

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