It has been one heck of a week around here!Staring with the situation with Loki on Tuesday, a blown tire on a bus filled with Seniors on Wednesday, a Winter storm on Thursday along with a whole lot of family drama, topped off with the check engine light popping on all of a sudden in that new car I just bragged about,the weekend could not have come at a better time.
I need to catch my breath!
I actually started writing this yesterday as my weekly How Am I Doin' Friday entry.
No sooner did I begin writing that I got a call to come help out at the Grooming Shoppe.
Before I knew it ,the clock was approaching 5:30 and withe guests coming for Shabbat dinner at 6:30, I went into top gear to get everything ready.
No matter how hard you try You can not rush roasted potatoes!
As is normally the case, I overdid it with the food on the table.There literally was not enough room for the main dish.
As we sat down to dinner, I took a deep breath and a moment to pause.
Then I said the blessings over the wine and the challah and every thing just slowed down.
The Sabbath....what a concept!
(I wonder how He came up with that idea!)
Today is day 20 on my current 40 day cycle.It has been a fairly successful cycle this time around,minus last night where I kind of had the wheels com off a bit.
No big deal.
Today I dusted myself off and have picked up right where I was on the start of Day 19, choosing to ignore the damage done by last night's feasting.
Here is what is nagging at me today.
In all that got handled last week, I still feel like I did not accomplish anything. Professionally, the waiting game continues. There are conversations to be had and marketing plans to be developed and sales strategies implemented. However without participation from my associates and partners in these endeavors, any efforts to move any of this forward would be an exercise in futility.As I sit here today, I am looking back at what can only be described as a week of opportunity squandered.
While I can accept that and move forward, I find myself wondering for just how long?
How long can I sit and wait on others before my I start getting antsy?
As I have stated before,waiting is not my strong point.
Sitting on the sidelines is not a place I enjoy being.
I have been this way all of my life.
Passive participation is just not what I do.
No matter what my role is in any enterprise or undertaking, I always give 100% effort.
When I was involved in the theater, it did not matter if I was part of the ensemble (which rarely happened) or playing a lead,I was always all in.
The same applied in sports and music and on committees or social projects.
All in!
So sitting and waiting on I said,just not something I do well.
I suppose this accounts for why I find "down time" so uncomfortable.
So I fill down time with activity which is a good thing. However once again picking up on a quote often used by one of my vendors:
"Don't confuse motion with progress"
-Alfred A. Montapert-
I am feeling the desire for progress.I will continue to wait for now.
How long I can do that is the million dollar question.
How long I can do that is the million dollar question.
I know one thing,it won't be for too much longer!
Shabbat Shalom!
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