Friday, February 3, 2017

Peaks and Valleys

How am I doing on this How Am I Doin' Friday?
Much better than yesterday!
I don't like the expression "I'm having a bad day".
I don't think in those terms. All days are good days.
Yesterday was a rough day and we all have them from time to time.
I had so much on my mind that I found it difficult to compartmentalize,separate and segregate them all. Instead, my mind had all the windows and doors wide open and things became overwhelming.
Overwhelming led to errors on my part,a lack of concentration and eventually to a crippling sense of ineffectiveness, that left me feeling emotionally raw. 
By mid to late morning, I was pretty much a basket case. In an act of bravery unlike any I can remember using in the past, I reached out for help. I just needed some one to listen. 
By letting out what I would normally have kept bottled up, I was able to work past my challenges and find a place of stability .
In a short time, I was once again steady on my feet and able to have a productive day,clearing my head and getting myself back on track.
It just so happens that on my 2 and 1/2 hour road trip to Pennsylvania on Wednesday I listened to an audio book,Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson.
I highly recommend this (after you've read his book Who Moved My Cheese).
My life is no different than your's or anyone else's. Life is filled with peaks and valleys. Yesterday was definitely a valley day.
In his book, Dr. Johnson points out that valley days are learning days.
These are the trying times. The times when we test our mettle and use our resources to forge ahead en route to the top of the mountain.
When we sit upon the summit of our peak days, we have time to reflect. To appreciate what we have accomplished and where we have come from.
Valleys have rivers to cross and lead to steep hills to climb.
On the mountain top , we can better appreciate the blue skies during the day and the bright stars at night.
The very last thin I did last night was clear my desk top.With a clean desk and a clear mind I realize that I have made it through just one more low point in another valley and I am well on my way back to another glorious summit.
As excited as I am to reach the top, I am equally excited to be experiencing the Journey.
Shabbat Shalom!

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