Saturday, February 25, 2017

I had an absolutely marvelous time today!

 I spent the afternoon with my daughter Sara. For Chanukah, she bought the 2 of us tickets to see the Fantasticks. It was a beautiful day in New York. We walked up and down Broadway for a while and then we were off to see the show.It was a lovely father/daughter experience.
I enjoy whenever I get to spend time with my kids. 
We always seem to be able to grab some 1 on 1 time whether over a breakfast, a lunch or even an outing like this.
It is a special gift that I cherish whenever it happens.
Aside from the day with my daughter,there was something magically special about seeing this particular show.
I first performed in The Fantasticks 43 years ago.I played Bellomy , Louisa's father.
In subsequent performances I have also played  Hucklebee and Mortimer and revisited Bellomy as well.
In the span of 13 years I did this show no less than 4 times (for some reason I think there was a 5th?)
Sitting in the audience, I found myself mouthing every single word spoken by every single character.It is engrained in my memory like the Pledge of Allegiance.
Every move on the stage was just as I remembered it. The choreography as well as the subtle nuances of each performer, were exactly as they were each time I was in one of those productions. 
43 years ago, in literally a couple of weeks,probably 3 or 4?, we managed to go from let's do this thing to curtains up!
It was an extraordinary time. 
There were some extraordinary circumstances.
And we were an extraordinary ensemble. 
It was a highlight among the many highlights that have blessed my life.
I was glad to be transported in time , even for just one afternoon.
The awakening of memories and feelings that I experienced today will stick with me for quite a while.
They will serve as a reminder.A reminder to get back on track with goal #4.....reconnecting. Too many years....too many memories....and just not enough time. But I will make a valiant effort to work on that goal!
Shavua Tov!

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