Beep Beep.....
Did I happen to mention that I got a new car?Well it's new to me. It was also new to the original owner sometime around the turn of the century.
It's cranberry and rust. Cranberry is the color and rust is the condition.
It's a four door and at least 3 of them work perfectly.
The heat works as do most of the lights.
I drive around listening to the classic rock station,mostly because I can't figure out how to change to any other station. The clock feature on the radio works as long as I remember to subtract 18 minutes from the display (I can't figure out how to change the time either).
The interior is spotless.
The rubber is good and I put new wiper blades on yesterday.
(this is a good thing since it's snowing like crazy here!)
Miraculously it passed inspection yesterday with flying colors.
This morning,I set out in blinding white out conditions to my part time gig. The director of the Senior's program had said yesterday that she would let me know in the morning if we were running today. As it normally takes me 20 to 25 minutes to get to work, I set out early today given the stormy weather. Alas,it was all for naught as all activities were canceled due to the inclement weather.The good news is my all wheel drive 2001 Subaru Outback with 212,000 miles on it took on the challenge like a champ. As we watched cars fish tail and a tractor trailer jack knife we moved steadily along undaunted by the near blizzard conditions.
Now that's what I'm talking about!
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