Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life is like the weather....!

Yesterday was a dark, dank dreary, rainy day here.
The phone call I was waiting for all day finally came at around 4:30 in the afternoon.Our Bernese Mountain dog,Loki, had been undergoing tests and x'rays. None of this was planned. It was an emergency visit to the vet after a very rough night with him.
At the visit, the vet expressed his concerns. In his mind, there were 2 possible diagnosis. One would have forced us to make a final choice for Loki. Fortunately,we were spared that. The diagnosis while not great, may be treatable. A plan of action has now been put in place.
Fitted with a new harness and starting on a new medicine , our hopes are that Loki can be more comfortable and enjoy his time with us as we enjoy our time with him.
It was a day filled with mixed emotions. As much as I tried to not think about the choice that may have to be made,or the outcome of the tests he was undergoing, my mind kept wandering.The fact that I had nothing to keep me busy did not help anything.
In the end, things worked out to what for now is the best possible outcome.
Today the sun is shining and the weather is unseasonably wonderful. It will be 60 degrees and absolutely gorgeous.
If I did not have a calendar on my desk telling me it's early February I would swear it was early April.
Loki is resting comfortably and for this moment in time, life is as sunny as the day is.
Not to be a pessimist,but just like the weather, things change and that can happen pretty dramatically.
So what!
Yesterday is a history lesson. Tomorrow is a promise that is yet to be filled. The only thing we can be certain of is what we have now, today, in the here and now. 
Enjoy it.
Treasure it.
Embrace it.
BTW.....tomorrow's weather forecast is for a Winter storm ,dumping as much as a foot or more of snow on us.
Maybe we can build a snowman!

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