Thursday, February 23, 2017


I decided to give myself a bit of a break.
After a morning spent running around I came back to my desk and realized that I was racing from one thing to another. I devoured my lunch with out tasting it. I slammed down a cup of coffee ad then another and was just about to pour a third when I caught myself. 
I feel a little bit guilty about easing my foot off of the gas peddle. 
I have orders to chase after.
I have people to follow up with who have not responded to my earlier requests for information.
There are a plethora of loose ends that need to be tied up.
All of this can wait.
The orders will be there tomorrow. The people who have not responded to me probably won't get back to me until they are good and ready. And the loose ends can be picked up after I take a few minutes to myself.
I had a meeting today with someone who I had reached out to 3 months ago. 
After a number of emails, we had finally marked today as our first opportunity to meet face to face.
After months of preliminary conversations, I found myself driving to his office and questioning why I was even going.
I am literally standing at the door of an entirely new Journey.
Do I have time for this?
Do I need this in my life?
What makes me think I am qualified to even explore this?
The truth is,it's not a new Journey. It is most certainly the next part of the Journey that I have been on all the while. 
It will take me down a path that I most certainly have never ventured down before.
Again, I ask myself why?
Do I have the time , the strength, the ability, the resources and the commitment it will take to head off in this direction? What price will I be willing to pay?
What sacrifices will I ask myself to make?
What makes me think I can be successful?
I keep coming up with the same answer......
Hell if I know!
I just know that I can't stop myself. 
I have gone way past thinking about it. My hand has already grasped the door handle.
In fact, today, I turned the handle and pushed the door open. Now that I have seen what lies beyond the open door,I must go through it.
I am a little bit nervous.
I am a little bit afraid.
This I know is a good thing.
I am supposed to feel this way. 
It's called getting excited!
It's a good feeling.
Now I must learn to control my enthusiasm. 
I must harness my energy.
I must proceed in a smart fashion.
My history reminds me that anything worth doing takes time. I am approaching my 4 year anniversary since this Journey began. 
A lot has taken place along the way. The thing that scares me the most is that I now realize how much further I can possibly go.
I am excited about the possibilities and frightened at the same time.
And that's why I have chosen to take a little break for even a short period of time. I just need to catch my breath and find some focus.
Then I can get back to work and continue on my way.

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