Off and running!
The last time I wrote was on Friday,4 days ago. It seems like an eternity. Sometimes life just happens!Saturday I spent the entire day at the shop.It was a long day and by the time it ended, well writing just wasn't in the cards.
This was the first Sunday in weeks where we did not have to make our weekly pilgrimage to South Jersey and I took full advantage of that. A huge piece of my Halloween puzzle finally showed up late Friday and early Saturday.It was something I have been waiting on for weeks. Not having it had me perpetually treading water,unable to move forward and losing precious time. Not having these resources put me way behind the proverbial eight ball.On Sunday I dedicated my efforts to trying to catch up as much as possible.One can never make up lost time. We can only take advantage of opportunities that allow us to catch up. That was Sunday ....which laid the groundwork for Monday.
On Monday, I began chasing orders.
My hopes are that they still exist. Well that's not 100% true. I know they still exist.Some of the excitement I had generated earlier has dissipated. Some of the resources (open to buy money) has dried up.And some of the possibilities have been diverted to other priorities or opportunities.
None of that matters. I find myself in the here and now with the ability to gather up as much business as I possibly can in the window that is still available to me.
Which means it's time for me to push and to push hard for the next few days.
I went about this pretty hard yesterday. Hard enough to feel spent by the end of the day. Today would be a good day to catch my breath.
Well that's just not going to happen!
In fact, today I find myself in the position of doubling up on my efforts from yesterday. One more day is gone and that window of opportunity that I had has decreased by approximately 10%.
It is time for me to turn up the heat,internally at least, and keep this project moving forward.
That is my agenda for the day. Before I leave you I did want to share something that came up this weekend.It seems my writing on Friday struck a chord with a number of people. It seems,I was not aloe in feeling disconnected from my friends. It seems that I wasn't the only one weighed down by the doldrums of Winter.
It seems, that we are in fact human and not polar bears!
It seems we need each other.
In my book, that's a good thing!
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