Making progress!
My last appointment with my podiatrist (foot doctor) was scheduled for sometime in early to mid October. For one reason or another I missed that appointment. I am usually very diligent,every 4-6 weeks, about having my feet cleaned up. If I go past that ,invariably problems develop. Problems that are very painful!So the fact that I am 8 weeks beyond that threshold might give you a clue as to just how much discomfort I have been experiencing lately.
This morning with the NY Trade show come and gone, I had the opportunity to add making a new appointment to my agenda. Around 10 am I called and asked when the first available appointment might be. They asked if I could come in right away and I was more than happy to take them up on the offer.
An hour later,I was on my way home.
I can not begin to describe the relief I felt and how good it felt to walk with out pain again.My pace quickened.I was standing tall and it must have shown as people were making eye contact and greeting me where ever I went.
The whole experience got me to thinking. Life is not much different than the tale of my feet.When I do not pay attention to things and let the little things go unattended, they end up creating challenges in other spheres of my life.
The little growth left untreated on the side of my foot caused me to walk differently. This caused pain in my ankles,eventually causing pain in my knee and putting pressure on my back.You see the connection?
The pain was not pleasant,which obviously effecting my mood.My mood had negative effects on the way I was showing up in life. And the downward spiral was gaining momentum.
So it is with any thing left unattended in my world.Every thing has an effect on every thing else.
Last week I proclaimed "enough is enough" and decided to do something about my weight. I also scheduled a workout program and a return to the gym.
Taking care of my feet was another small step in the right direction.
Each action leads to another. When building a cabin, we add one log at a time.
If I can keep this up, I know I will end up with a marvelous chalet!
And that's How I Am Doin' this Friday!
Shabbat Shalom!
The 30 Day Happiness Challenge!
Here's a link for anyone interested:
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