Saturday, December 17, 2016

Down Time........

Susan has made the executive decision that we will not drive down to see her parents in South Jersey this weekend.Her dad is scheduled to come home from rehab this Wednesday and after 4 trips down in the space of 3 weeks, and having spent any possible days off from the shop with them, she wants to take some time to get our house in order before the holiday weekend when we will make the trek south once again.
I can't really blame her and for one weekend I agree that those who live closer can pull a little extra duty and cover for us.
To be honest, I can use the break as well.It is getting to that time of the year when my customers and vendors alike start to shut down and disappear for the holiday.While I still have a number of things that I have to get done, the reality is that much of it depends on being able to communicate with people who will not be available until after New Year's day.So I will do what I can and some how learn to just let go.
Sometimes I just have to let go, to loosen my grip and trust that I don't have to spend every hour of every day hanging on for dear life.
My mentor Darren Hardy spoke about this yesterday.Take a break. Refuel your jets.Clear your head and give your body a break.
It sounds so simple. It also sounds absolutely delightful.
For me,however,it is something that I have never been able to do.For me it feels more difficult than dieting or quitting smoking (although I've never been a smoker) or breaking any other habit.
And I know exactly where this angst comes from. It comes from a place of lack.
The fear of not having or not having enough. For me it is a huge F.E.A.R!
False Evidence Appearing Real
I can and have time and time again, loaded up my plate ,subjected myself to constant motion,convincing myself that if I stop something dreadful will happen.
The truth is,what will happen will happen, what will be will be, and I will deal with it when that time comes.
So the number one item on my to do list for the immediate future is to make and enjoy some down time.
While getting away would be nice, it's not in the cards,so I will have to become resourceful and find that down time in the comforts of the world I live in.
The truth is,until I can learn how to do this at home, I will never be able to go away and accomplish it.
I know you are probably thinking I'm nuts! Vacations and down time are what most people look forward to and enjoy the most. People live for the weekend.I can't begin to explain to you just how scary this prospect is to me.
Here's the deal...Feel the fear and do it anyway. That's what I am going with for now. I'll let you know how it goes.
Shabbat Shalom!

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