Thursday, December 8, 2016

Good morning!

 I found myself with an extra hour or so and I am choosing to take this opportunity to catch up a little bit with you. I have been getting up at 5 each day this week, heading into NY for a trade show and getting back sometime around 8 pm. After a quick dinner and clearing out emails, I have not had much "me" time.This morning was no different. My ride was picking me up at 6 so by 5:55 I was standing outside,ready to take on one more day. At 6:10 I checked my text messages to find a text from 5:556 saying we would be delayed at least an hour more like over and hour and a half. 
To say I was not happy about this is probably an understatement. An extra hour and a half of sleep would have felt really nice. The fact that I had planned out my day based upon the schedule I had been given also made this news a little annoying. Top all of this off with the fact that we will now be attempting to cross the George Washington Bridge at the height of rush hour and you may start to understand just how I might be reacting to all of this.
Instead, I am looking at the opportunity I now have to spend a few minutes with you.
Trust me,I am still plenty annoyed. I am not at all pleased or looking forward to the extra added stress I feel welling up inside of me. I will sped the next short while trying to let go of this since I know how destructive and unproductive buying into all of that might be.
The good news is that I have committed myself to addressing my burgeoning weight this week.Were it not for that, this would absolutely be a mindless food orgy as I tried to calm myself from today's start.I am committed to not let this set of circumstances derail me.
It has been a good week so far,different than what I have experienced in the past at this show.Partially this is due to the changes in support in my office that have happened and partially by the change in the course of the business itself.The biggest difference though is in my approach to this show. My attitude has been different. Searching for that elusive path to "success" has not been part of my agenda. Instead I have shown up on a daily basis supported by the knowledge and acknowledgement of my own self wort.
This coupled with the understanding that I am competent and I am in control and I will succeed,has freed me to just be me,the best me possible.
As I said, I am going to need some wind down from this morning's delay. A cup of coffee and some quiet time before my ride gets here sounds like a grand idea.
Tomorrow this will all be in the past and I will be back to my normal routine (whatever that will be).
For now, I am grateful for the time and opportunity to reach out. Reconnecting feels great!
Have an awesome day.....I  know I plan to!

 The 30 Day Happiness Challenge!

Here's a link for anyone interested:

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