Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Keep your eye on the ball!

After writing about my need to focus yesterday, I proceeded to deposit a check into the wrong bank account, ask the service attendant for $20 cash worth of gas not realizing I only had $10 and then when parking at the gym turning my car off while forgetting to put it in park.
So much for focus!
All of this took place within 30 minutes of leaving my desk.
Like a receiver who looks up field before securing the pass in football, I was guaranteeing the same outcome. I had taken my eye off of the ball which inevitably led to me dropping the ball.
I then spent the next hour and a half in the gym,all the while mentally discussing with myself what had just happened and why it had happened and how to move on from there.
First I had to let go of my errors.Beating myself up was not going to help the situation. There were some consequences to deal with from my miscues,all correctable and certainly not Earth shattering.I caught myself on several occasions starting to berate myself for having been so careless. In the same instant, I knew that would accomplish nothing and that forgiving myself would allow me to move on.
The by product of all of this was that these 3 incidents, all in a very short period of time, served as a great tool for me. Like a giant warning sign, they kept me aware the rest of the day,of just how important it is for me to remain focused on the task at hand , the one that I was dealing with in the moment, before even considering what was next for me to do.
By days end,I had handled a number of agenda items, each and every one of them things that I had the ability to control. The things that were out of my control? The what if's or what happens when became irrelevant.
They were going to appear at some time or another and I knew I could and would deal with them at that time. Which is exactly where my day will start today.
So I am off to the bank to see how to resolve that first miscue.
And yes, I have forgiven myself!

 The 30 Day Happiness Challenge!

Here's a link for anyone interested:

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