Wednesday, December 14, 2016

I'm exhausted!

Something that Susan ate yesterday obviously did not sit well with her. Sparing you from all of the gruesome details,she finally made it back to bed around 2 a.m .I did not fall asleep until some time around 4, and it being Wednesday, I was up at 6 to get dressed and ready to go to shul.
I suggested that she stay in bed and grab an extra hour or so of sleep.I told her I would wake her when I got home. I also texted Becca to make sure she opened the shop today,something that Susan normally does. By 8:30,(opening time) we were on our way. 
No harm no foul.
We had some electrical issues last night at the shop ,so I stuck around until our landlord and neighbor got in so that we could sort them out.
By 10, I was on my way back to the office.
I am still chasing down the mis-deposited funds from 2 days ago, a situation I hope will be rectified today.
As I sit here typing away, I can barely keep my eyes open.
2 hours of shut eye is just not enough to keep me energized.
My natural fall back would be to comfort myself with food. When I don't get enough sleep, I have to replenish some how.Food,specifically comfort food has always been my go to substitute choice.
All of the items on my agenda today are things that will take a whole lot of effort. They all require my abilities to be creative,with tons of follow through.
Getting started on any of these feels like starting a car on a bitter cold Winter morning.
If you live in the Northeast,you know exactly what I mean. You turn the key and the battery in your vehicle makes that sound and all you can do is repeat over and over"c'mon baby....not today!, let's go!"
Luckily for me, I still have enough of a charge left to crank it over. I have not yet hit the point where when you turn the key all you get is click.
I just need to pick one item on my list and get it started. Once I get on a roll I am sure I can keep moving.
Oh,....BTW....Susan is much better today. I am sure by day's end she will be ready for a good night's rest. I armed her with a bottle of Pedialite and some crackers and jelly to snack on until she feels up to something more substantial.
As for myself? 
I'm going to go grab a cup of coffee and then get on with my day!

 Today is day 30 of The 30 Day Happiness Challenge!

Here's a link for anyone interested:

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