December Word of the Month:Reverent
(feeling,exhibiting or characterized by reverence;Deeply respectful)
And with that I have now had completed a year of celebrating with a word of the month. 12 months,12 words. To review they were:
Trustworthy ,Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous,Kind ,Obedient, Cheerful,Thrifty , Brave,Clean and Reverent.
Okay I have to share with you. As I typed these in I kept coming up with only 11. I read and reread the list over and over. I have had these 12 words ingrained in me since I was 12 years old? Why only 11?
Which one was I missing? Can you guess?
I bet you can. After rereading the list at least 8 or 9 times the missing word was................
(Gee what a surprise!)
So if you haven't figured it out yet, these are not just random words that I chose to use as my collection of words of the month. They are in fact the Boy Scout Law, 12 attributes that every good scout should incorporate into his life. It is a life lesson that I learned at a very young age and that has stuck with me ever since.
Scouting for many growing up laid the groundwork for developing boys into young men for generations.
It is true that in recent years, participation in scouting is on the decline. I have to admit, I think this is a bad thing.There is a direct traceable connection to the decline in participation in scouting and the decay of these virtues in the youth of our country.
Here's are some interesting statistics:
- 35.4 percent of the United States Military Academy (West Point) cadets were involved in Scouting as youth.
- 14.7 percent of cadets are Eagle Scouts.
So why wouldn't I take the opportunity over the last 12 months to reintroduce these virtues and values into my life?
They always have been a part of who I am. I decided early on this year to incorporate a word to focus on for an entire month. The Scout Law popped into my head immediately.
12 months,12 words,12 virtues.
It was just that simple.
I have been reminded time and time again that to develop a new habit and have it stick takes 21 days.Every month this year had a minimum of 29 days.
There you go!
12 good habits .
My bucket list of new good habits for 2016 is now complete.
I have carried these words with me for 50 years,ever since I became a Boy Scout.
If I could have a do over in life, I would have done what ever I could have to become an Eagle Scout. I fell short of that ,a story for another time or perhaps a bitter memory that is better left buried in the past.
These 12 virtues?
Well they never left me. They never got buried. In fact they became so deeply rooted in me I know in my heart of hearts, I would have made a great Eagle Scout.
There is of course that one......
The 30 Day Happiness Challenge!
Here's a link for anyone interested:
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