How Am I Doin on this the last How Am I Doin Frdayof 2016?
I don't tell's me with a baby in my arms 12 years ago at age 50:
Here's me two months ago with 2 babes in my arms at age 62:

So you tell me.....How am I doin?
I guess not bad for an old man.
That baby will be Bar Mitzvah this coming May.
I will be more than happy to buy a new suit for the occasion and look as sharp as I possibly can.
Truth be told,were it not for all of the work I have done over the last 3 years, who knows where I would be today.
I know one thing, I look a hell of a lot better in the red shirt in the second picture than I did in the red shirt in the first one!
My guestimate is that the jeans I was wearing in the first picture were probably 52's and I know the ones in the second picture are 32's(slims!)
(Okay right now, I can't quite squeeze into those either.)
I am doin' just great!
When my friend sent me that first picture yesterday with the note "guess who?" it hit home just how long this Journey has been. The answer to guess who is simple.....someone who like Elvis has left the building!
Shabbat Shalom
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