Sunday, November 27, 2016

Wisdom from a 10 year old....

All but 2 of our Thanksgiving guests were adults.There were 2 children, ages 4 and 10.When seating every one this year I decided that I would sit next to and across from either one of them.I wanted to make sure that they were engaged and part of this other wise very grown up experience. Little did I know how much I would get out of my choice. 
As we settled in and made our way through the meal,the older sister posed a question.
"What's the difference between being smart and being wise?" she asked.
That one stopped me in my tracks. Her dad sat there stumped and soon looked to me to provide an answer. He prompted her to ask the question again, this time directing it to me.
She looked me squarely in the eye and repeated her initial query.
Relishing the opportunity to help answer this for her, I explained how being smart was about acquiring knowledge. The more knowledge you have , the more things you know, the smarter you are. 
Wisdom on the other hand I explained, is knowing when and how to apply that knowledge.
Every one has some level of smart.
There are many people who are very very smart. That does not however make them wise or give them wisdom. 
My answer did not confuse her at all. It seemed like she understood completely.In fact, she sat upright in her chair as if I had armed her with just the ammunition she was looking for.
She turned to her dad and said "so, I guess your decision to take away our crayons may have been a smart one but not a very wise one."
(This felt like a set up!)
He stated his case for doing what he had done and it seemed logical. 
She sat back and confidently replied,"well I guess that you think it was a smart choice,it just doesn't seem like it was a wise one".
There was nothing else that should be said....however, he kept trying to make his case,digging himself into an ever deepening hole.
She's 10. She understood the difference between smart and wise.
There was no argument. She was articulate and respectful.She listened and gave her view of the situation. And she had the wisdom to accept that she had done what she had set out to accomplish.She had found a way to address something that had been troubling her in a very mature and well thought out way. She had used her wisdom.
Obviously her wisdom left its mark on me.This happened 4 days ago and I am still thinking about it. Not just about the question,but how it showed up in the real world that day.
Wisdom from a 10 year old.
Shavua Tov!

Speaking of marketing joy and happiness!
Join my brother and Why Wait Coaching's 30 Day Happiness Challenge.
Here's a link for anyone interested:

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