Friday, November 25, 2016

I hate the term "Black Friday!"

Thanksgiving has come and gone and not without some twists and turns.Late Wednesday evening, Susan's father was admitted to the hospital ( no news to report yet,however at least he is getting medical attention). If you have ever dealt with these types of things you know that every thing else is of little consequence until your loved one has been stabilized and you know what you are dealing with and have a course of action. In this case,given that the hospital is at less than full staff due to the holiday,progress on these fronts is slower than usual. There are a boat load of issues to deal with right now and that has us moving and shifting and changing our plans.
Needless to say,we had plenty on our minds all day other than the holiday meal. 
This also meant that the contingent from South Jersey were no longer coming . Coupled with Becca's plans changing , we now had 7 less people at our dinner table. As I always over prepare, knowing that my in-laws always appreciate taking home large portions of left overs,we now have a refrigerator that is stocked for a long time. I will have to become very creative re purposing these into meals over the near future.
It also means that any plans that we had for our day off today have gone completely out the window.We will now be hitting the road early today,heading south for a hospital visit. There will also have to be a number of family discussions as to how to proceed for the immediate future as well as some long time strategic planning.
None of this will be fun or easy, however there are some very real dynamic situations which must be addressed immediately. So much for any relaxing time!
I am reminded of the old adage: Man plans and G-d Laughs.
Remarkably, as I sit here writing to you, I can't hope but notice that every bit of the house has been put back together after what was an absolutely awesome Thanksgiving day.The 16 people who were here all had a great time. The food ,if I must say so myself , was off the hook! (Compliments to the chef....oh yeah that's me!).
Every dish has been put away. Every scrap of leftovers have also been neatly stored. The tables were broken down,chairs have been put away and except for mopping the floors which I will get to on Saturday, the house is in great shape.
So why am I not exhausted and passed out at this point?
I have no idea. I did crash at around 11 but by a few minutes past midnight I was wide awake.
It's around 1:30 right now. Knowing that I will have little time to myself today and that I will be dealing with all sorts of challenges, I chose to take a few minutes, make myself a cup of tea and spend some quiet time reaching out to you. First and foremost,I hope you had a joyful and meaningful Thanksgiving.I am a little bit sad that I did not get out a note on Thanksgiving morning or even a gratitude the night before.Given all that was occurring so rapidly,I opted to focus on the tasks at hand,knowing that eventually I would be able to catch up with you.
My mentor Darren Hardy's message the other day was about slowing down. While the context in which he was using it was completely different than mine,it is sage advice. Sometimes we just need to slow things down. Particularly under pressure, it pays to slow down.
I have written about this on more than one occasion. In baseball, when a pitcher finds himself in a jam,he will slow the game down. He will step off of the rubber,collect his thoughts, and become much more selective and deliberate in his pitch choices and delivery.
All great athletes, especially the ones who control the action, the quarterbacks, the pitchers, the point guards and the center icemen, know that slowing the game down helps them regain control.
I guess I should sign off for now. I have a long day ahead of me. with a lot of driving.
I did want to make sure we connected . The connecting is so important to me.
Hopefully,by slowing things down, I will find some more quiet time on Saturday and catch up with you even more.
Here's hoping that your Holiday weekend continues for a bit longer!
Shabbat Shalom!

Speaking of marketing joy and happiness!
Join my brother and Why Wait Coaching's 30 Day Happiness Challenge.
Here's a link for anyone interested:

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