Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Real or surreal?

For the second night in a row, I find myself wide awake and sitting at my computer at 1:30 in the morning.I laid down in bed at around 8:45 last night. I had 1 more important agenda item to take care of before midnight. 
That never happened. 
The next thing I knew it was 12:45.
Stress can be exhausting!
Add some sadness and a bit of depression and bam.....lights out!
At least for a brief period of time.
The cold temperatures that have blown in over the last 2 days certainly have contributed as well. 
Now with a little rest under my belt,a cup of tea and snuggled in a bathrobe and sweat pants, I am feeling much better.
As for the agenda items that didn't get done by midnight?
Well plan ,"B" just became the new plan "A".
Just that simple!
I thought I might have the opportunity to try and just roll over and get back to sleep. When that wasn't working out and with a very specific thought in my head, I chose to sit at my desk and get my day started.
Spirituality vs, everyday perceived reality.
They just seem at times to be at odds with each other. At least for me they do.I have been noticing lately more and more commercials for meditation. More and more yoga studios are popping up as well. 
All facets of the advertising media, print, social ,digital and the airwaves are picking up on this.
Looking to improve your sex life?
Climb into a bath tub overlooking a scenic valley!
(Okay we all do that don't we?)
Images of people walking through open meadows seem to be the message in each and every big pharma commercial.(Maybe it's that separation from the daily grind and not the pill they are hawking that will actually improve your health?)
The truth is no matter how much we want it,we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden a long time ago.It seems to me, that until I find my way back in, that will always haunt me.
It's a huge industry.
Peace of mind.
The quest for happiness. 
A blissful life.
I have friends ,colleagues and acquaintances who have managed to find themselves more on the spiritual side of the spectrum than I have. I am jealous of those hippie tree hugging friends.I also have friends ,colleagues and acquaintances, who are so far on the other end of the spectrum that I fear for their health and sanity.
I am and have been bombarded seemingly forever with the notion that I should be seeking balance in my life. 
I don't believe that. 
That's a cop out. 
The original plan called for utopia,the Garden of Eden. 
We blew that one to hell. Now all that is left is making do.
I strive to create a life that kind of resembles what it was that was lost.
At times, this can be a real struggle.
This just happens to be one of those times.
Thursday will be Thanksgiving. 
I have decided to not wait until then to wander back towards that idyllic side of life.Slamming on the brakes is never a good thing.
For now, I'll start by just easing my foot off of the gas peddle and see how that goes!

Speaking of marketing joy and happiness!
Join my brother and Why Wait Coaching's 30 Day Happiness Challenge.
Here's a link for anyone interested:

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