Monday, November 14, 2016


This is what I have been dealing with of late.The reality is that what is is. Not looking at it or not dealing with it,simply turning a blind eye or sticking your head in the sand, only serves to increase the anxiety that I experience. It's in the wee hours of the morning,when all is still and the only conversations or activity is that which is going on in my own head,that I feel the fear the most.
My desk has become evidence of my response to fear. With my finances dwindling to a critical point and no relief in sight, I had started just piling mail on my desk. Bills, junk mail, and all became one , then two big piles.
What was I thinking? They were not going to go away. In fact, not addressing them was  only adding to my stress. This weekend, we cleaned the entire house. By the end of the day yesterday, the only mess still to be dealt with was those piles of unopened mail.
When I woke up this morning, I made up my mind to take back control of this situation. Fortuitously, my mentor Darren Hardy, sent an email today,reminding me that my success depended on me doing all that I can on any task I am working on.
That is exactly what I did today.
Meticulously, I deconstructed and then reconstructed my work space,first by making piles,then sorting those piles ,then prioritizing which new pile to handle first,and finally attacking every single paper,envelope and post it note that had  by now overwhelmed my entire desk.
Dealing with all of this was actually less distasteful than worrying about it.My desk is clean. The mail is sorted.A number of things were actually dealt with and handled. As a matter of fact, every bit of what needed to be handled today was taken care of.Is there another pile waiting for tomorrow? Of course there is. I will deal with it tomorrow. The same way I dealt with today's pile. The good news is tonight I can put my head on my pillow and know that I had done all I could today. A job well done. And maybe, just maybe, I'll find enough peace of mind to get a good night's sleep.

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