November's Word of the Month:Clean!
After missing over 2 weeks with my hand issue and then the hullabaloo surrounding the election, I almost forgot November's word of the month.CLEAN!
Why clean?
I'll tell you why.
I am tired of feeling dirty.
After two weeks of dressing in sweats I felt dirty.
I need to be clean.
After not being able to bathe and groom myself properly I felt dirty.
I need to be clean.
After months and months f being lied to I feel dirty.
I need to feel clean.
After spending so much time and energy dealing with deceit and fraud I feel dirty.
I need to feel clean.
Broken promises,vile language and hateful rhetoric has left me feeling dirty.
I need to feel clean.
(FYI- I'm not talking just about the elections.....although it fits....I am referring to many other aspects of my life).
My beard needs a trim.
A trip to the dry cleaners is in order.
Hopefully my hand is healed enough that I can spend Saturday tearing the house apart and really getting it spic and span.
I need to be around honest,forthright,and compassionate people to clear my head and clean my thought process.
I need a strong breeze to bring some fresh air and shoo away the stench that taints the air that I breath.
I want to be clean, in my thoughts,my appearance,my being and my soul.
I really don't think that's too much to ask for.
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