Sunday, August 1, 2021


"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
Bernice Johnson Reagon

 "Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable".

This is a life lesson I have been working on for quite some time now.
Admittedly, I have gotten better at it.
However, there are times when uncomfortable is overshadowed by overwhelmed.
This is where I found myself this past Thursday.
Ah yes...another Thursday.
There's just something about Thursdays.
I like being comfortable.
Life is simpler, even more enjoyable when I am comfortable.
I am most comfortable when things are running smoothly.
Chaos is never comfortable to me.
On Thursday, I found myself crumbling under the weight of all of the discomfort in my life.
I didn't understand exactly what was happening to me.
Some of it felt vaguely familiar, some all too familiar. It took a while, like until Saturday morning, for me to recognize what it was I was experiencing.
I was uncomfortable.
Nothing was smooth and therefore, there was no escape from being uncomfortable.
The grass hasn't been cut in 3 weeks.
We lost the guy who cuts our lawn and have not yet found a replacement.
One of the nicest lawns on the block, now looks like the tall grass plains of Africa.
The house hasn't been cleaned in over a month.
The girl who cleans for us was in the hospital and is now recuperating.
Yes, we keep up with the day to day, but that deep clean we are so accustomed to every few weeks hasn't happened.
I haven't seen a paycheck since mid June and NJ unemployment has not seen fit to approve my claim .Bureaucracy at it's finest.
The Grooming Shoppe experienced a less than smooth transition from our old location to the our new home .
2/3rd's capacity or less does not make for good cash flow and poor cash flow makes things uncomfortable.
So the crushing weight I was feeling o Thursday was less about being uncomfortable and more about being overwhelmed.
By Staurday morning, I was able to figure this out.
Once I understood where I was, it simply became a matter of eating the elephant. You bite at a time.
Things are starting to improve.
The cleaning will get done next weekend.
I should have the lawn situation under control this week.
The Grooming Shoppe was finally back up to pre- move numbers.
The Petcare market looks like a real store and will open on Tuesday.
I have found some amount of calm amidst the chaos.
The calm makes it easier to deal with the uncomfortable.
Breath deep David.
I all will work out.
It always does.
Shavua Tov!

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