Thursday, August 26, 2021

The truth is.....

 “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain

Every day I have the good fortune of receiving a message from the Universe.

Okay , so maybe it's not really from some mystical place in the nether world, however, I often find that these messages help to remind me of my place in the grand scheme of things.
Today was one of those days.
The truth is:
there's never been: 

  • A drought that didn't end,
  • A storm that didn't clear,
  • Lightning that didn't retreat,
  • An earthquake that didn't still,
  • A flood that didn't recede, or,
  • A virus that wasn't eventually, completely, and utterly overwhelmed by the healthy.
I actually had this conversation with myself yesterday.
A dear friend posted something on Facebook about stress.
I shared with her the advise that my mentor Darren Hardy has shared with me on numerous occasions about stress....GET OVER YOURSELF!"
Being stressed out is such a waste of time and energy.
I can say that for most of my life, particularly my adult life, money has been my biggest stress point.
Yet here I am still here alive and well after decades of living with those monetary pressures.
How much energy, how much time how much of my well being was wasted stressing over money, or for that matter anything else.
In the end, it all passes, one way or another.
Eventually it's all in the past.
I am much better today than I ever have been in the past with this.
Not anywhere near perfect, barely on the cusp of being good at it.
I am however, aware of it which in itself has been a great awakening.
I am not one given to quoting scripture however, here's one worth keeping in mind::
"And This Too Shall Pass"
 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18
Have a great day!

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