Saturday, August 28, 2021


"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."

Winston Churchill 

I'm old enough to remember when there was no such thing as texting.

I am also old enough to remember how offended and turned off I once was to this mode of communication.
Thankfully I am wise enough to have come to realize that like any form of communication it can be a useful tool particularly when used properly.
However, as it is with other forms of communicating, I believe there is an etiquette to texting.
Unanswered texts are for lack of a better word just plain rude!
I'm not talking about the marketing texts that we all get.
They can readily be ignored.
Person to person texts deserve a response.
It's not like a phone call.
You don't have to exchange pleasantries.
A simple "okay" "yes" "no" or "maybe " is often enough.
There are also a plethora of emojis for the more sophisticated texters.
There literally is no excuse for not responding to a text.
Your phone is by your side almost constantly.
A text response takes all of 10 seconds in most cases.
Not responding to texts is tantamount to saying "you don't matter to me".
I'm not saying responses have to be immediate, although there is very little reason why they can't be.
But at some point in our busy days we can all find a minute or two to check and make sure we get back to anyone who reached out to us.
I've been guilty of missing a text now and then.
The thing about texts is that they just sit there and you can always look back and check to see if in fact you did respond.
It's not that difficult.
Unless of course that's exactly what you are trying to be.
Shabbat Shalom!

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