“A tree that is unbending, is easily broken.”
Lao Tzu
In the decades that I have been in the business world, I have met a lot of really great sales people.
Some of them I must add are close relatives and dear friends.
They can sell anything to anyone.
However, none of them compare to veterinarians.
In my humble opinion, vets and the people who work for them, have to be the absolutely greatest sales force I have ever encountered.
On a daily basis, we have customers who come into our store, looking for one of 2 specific brands of dog food sold almost exclusively in vet's offices.
When we tell them we don't carry these brands, they all do a quick about face and leave.
If we have the opportunity to engage them in conversation, they smile politely and then head for the door.
Their devotion to these 2 brands is cult like.
From a nutritional standpoint, both of these brands are akin to feeding your dogs McDonalds every day.
Read the ingredients and you are hard pressed to find anything redeeming about them.
To boot, the vets have sold people on the idea that these are "prescription" diets, specially formulated for dogs with "conditions" like theirs.
You wouldn't eat a Big Mac ,large fries and chocolate shake everyday , 3 meals a day.
That's what these people are feeding their dogs.
Would these folks ever take the time to do a little research?
Hell no! The vet prescribed this. End of the discussion.
If we followed our own doctor's medical advise as diligently, we would be the healthiest country in the world! (then again....?)
Vets have done an awesome job for these 2 brands who by the way, helped supplement their education, an education that barely spent any time on nutrition.
So today I take my hat off to the veterinary community, the greatest hucksters since P.T. Barnum!
Shavua Tov!
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