Sunday, August 15, 2021

Land of the Free?

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."

Vince Lombardi 

As I was driving home from my weekly Sunday morning coffee catch up with my cousin, I found myself once again stooped at a traffic light facing a park.

It's a very small playground, maybe the size of a large single home property, with a jungle gym set up for kids.
It has 7 different signs posted by the town.
One sign reads "welcome to the Teaneck Park system". and then goes on to list about 15 different rules to adhere to when visiting this tiny parcel of land.
As if this isn't enough, there are as I said,6 more signs, each one emphasizing all of the "don'ts" associated with this patch of grass.
One sign was specific to ball playing.
It listed every imaginable form of ball playing that is prohibited.
It wasn't good enough to just say "no ball playing".
Nope, they went to great lengths to list everything from baseball to bocce ball to golf and any other game that used a round (or not so round) object that can be tossed, kicked, hit or otherwise had fun with.
Did I mention that this park was tiny?
As if you could even want to throw a ball there.
7 signs!
No dogs.
No smoking.
No food or drink.
No ball playing.
No fun of any kind (okay maybe I made that one up).
But seriously, 7 different signs?
It would take a parent longer to read the signs than there kids would ever want to play there.
And are they all really necessary?
It just seemed to be a bit of overkill to me.
I won't be surprised if soon there isn't an eighth sign specific to mask wearing and vaccinations.
Yep, that's exactly what this park needs.....another list of don'ts.
And maybe a fence with a gate and a guard.
Now there's a novel new idea.
I think I'll reach out to the town council on that!
Shavua Tov!

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