What a week!
Yes, it's been an entire week since I have found (read taken) the time to write to you.
Where have I been and what have I been up to?
Don't ask!
Between the back , and work and one absolutely hellacious computer crash, the week just completely disappeared.
Honestly, other than the computer crash, I can't even remember what kept me so busy.
All of that is in the past. I'm back now and ready to carry on!
One of the "things" that didn't get done this week was cleaning up my yard.
I had planned to use Friday as my day for attacking the yard.
My plan was to get up early, hire 2 day laborers and starting at the street,work my way to the back property line.
Never happened!
Mother Nature was not going to cooperate with me.
First there was a snow storm (oh yeah ...I forgot about that!).
Then rain.
Then some more rain.
Before attempting to rake up the yard, it really needs to dry out and firm up a bit.
Having to cancel my plans was causing me some angst.
That is until this morning .
As I drove along my bus route today, I noticed that other than the forsythia and a couple of other early bloomers, there are very few signs of Spring.
There aren't even buds on the trees yet.
So why am I rushing it?
There's plenty of time until Spring springs.
My new plan is to use next Saturday as that clean up day.
It will be my only day off for the next 2 weeks.
I checked the weather forecast and it seems like we will have a dry week through Saturday.
The next rain looks like it comes in on the following Sunday and Monday.
What's the old expression"Mother knows Best!".
It seems that the mother they are referring to is Mother Nature herself!
Who am I to argue with that?
Shavua Tov!
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